Bump Don’t Shake


Visual identity for Bump Don't Shake, a campaign encouraging Canadians to replace handshakes with fist bumps in the midst of cold & flu season.

Launching with a full page ad in the National Post encouraging Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to make the House of Commons a handshake-safe space, Bump Don't Shake aims to inform Canadians of the serious (and not-so-serious) perils of the basic handshake. Backed with solid, squirm-inducing facts, the word was spread via social media, out-of-home advertising, direct mail and promotional tools.

Watch the promo video here.


The visual identity and illustration style is utilitarian, bold, eye catching, and slightly irreverent—complementing the tone of the campaign, with a colour palette reminiscent of the dreaded hospital setting.


Scope: Campaign Branding, Iconography, Collateral, Website
ECD: Stephen Jurisic, Angus Tucker
Creative Direction: Niall Kelly
Design Direction: Mo Bofill
Copywriter: Kohl Forsberg
Art Director: Emma Wathan
Web Developer: Joshua Richards